SBTi validates Luís Simões emission reduction targets
18 Sep, 2024

Luís Simões received the validation of its greenhouse gas emission reduction targets from the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), effective on July 25, 2024.

In this way, Luís Simões advances its decarbonization strategy and aligns its operations with the global objective of limiting the temperature increase to 1.5ºC in scope 1 and 2 emissions.

At the same time, it consolidates its role as an active participant in the adoption of sustainable practices and in contributing to mitigate climate change globally.


After joining SBTi in 2021, last year Luís Simões presented its goals in partnership with Get2C, the company responsible for coordinating the Roadmap for Carbon Neutrality.

These recently validated targets aim to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from Luís Simões’ activities from the base year of 2021 to 2032, including:

  • Reduction of absolute emissions of GHG scope 1 and 2 by 50.4% by 2032, starting from the base year 2021.
  • Reduction of GHG emissions from scope 3 activities related to fuel and energy, and upstream transport and distribution by 35.6% per tonne-kilometre in the same period, an absolute reduction of 9%.


“The validation of SBTi reflects that we are on the right track, and also encourages us to continue taking ambitious, science-based steps to decarbonize our transport and logistics services and align our operations with the goals of the Paris Agreement,” commented Cláudia Simões, Luís Simões Sustainable Development Coordinator.

In addition to the goals presented and approved, Luís Simões seeks to foster collaboration with its partners and customers to extend the positive impact of its sustainability initiatives throughout the entire value chain.



Luís Simões: 75 years sowing the Future!